Just as I'm sure most expecting moms do, I worried about all of the things that could possibly go wrong. That was my main motivation for not telling the general public, or even our families, that I was pregnant. We finally got the "okay" that as far as currently available technology could tell and that my insurance would pay for when I was 19+ weeks. Pat finally started telling everyone that it was "not a burrito" by 20 weeks.
The first trimester of my pregnancy was absolutely miserable! I loathed all those women who say that pregnancy was the best time of their lives and that they never felt better. I still think they're lying :0) I was sick since before missing my monthly cycle and vomitted at least 1-2 times per day through 13 weeks. I became quite an efficient puker if there is a such of thing including: dry heaving while the dog was doing her business in the mornings, sticking my head over the toilet while in the shower, sprinting out of my morning classes, and very discreetly excusing myself while out with friends (before it was public knowledge). The sickness began gradually to subside each week from 13 through 20 weeks. I'm not sure I would've survived that first trimester, especially without the whole world knowing, without Kelly helping to cover for me. She would watch my class during her planning, offer up excuses for me to others, and of course was there for encouragement and advice. I remember talking to her on the phone one day so excited because I didn't puke for 2 whole days!!! It's the little things...
After 20 weeks I only had to be careful about brushing my teeth. I was really afraid that by the time I delivered all of my teeth would have rotted because brushing was such an ordeal. Between doing my best to brush, trying to rinse with mouthwash, and keeping my distance from people (I'm sure I sported the amazing "throw up" breath quite often), I managed to survive.
The last half of pregnancy went really well for me. My doctors always told me that my pregnancy was boring and that everything was "textbook." I told Pat often that was proof that this baby was going to take after him considering that I have never done anything "textbook" in my life!! He of course knows no other way! With the exception of having to sit much more at work, I was able to keep up my regular routines until the very end. I never got to the point of misery, only had to get up 2-3 times per night for the bathroom, and didn't get the "pregnancy waddle" until the last couple of weeks. Of course I wasn't progressing and showed no signs of going into labor until the very end. By the end I had decided that I liked being pregnant because: I didn't have to worry about the baby, I didn't need a babysitter, the baby didn't keep me up at night, and I could relatively painlessly take the baby with me everywhere!
Kelly was first to know. I was in denial for a little while, but the incessant vomitting eventually brought me back to reality :0) Katie & Kerri were next. I was in a situation where I had to turn down alcohol and be in a swimsuit 16 weeks pregnant...of course I had to tell ;0)
We decided to tell our families by purchasing bibs each with a message on it that was person-specific (I love Grandma, I love Grandpa, etc.). We met my extended family at Something Different in Asheboro just before the start of the new school year. At the conclusion of dinner and after my grandmother asked what was in the bags (they were in small gift bags) we gave out the bags and allowed everyone to open them at once. The next day we did the essentially the same thing for Pat's family while at a cookout at his grandparents house.
Telling all my cronies at work didn't work out as planned, but that's what happens when you have to tell the boss, which was supposed to be in confidence, several weeks earlier so he could have his perrogative with any schedule changes he deemed necessary.
The pregnancy seemed to go by ultra fast for everyone since they only had 20 weeks to wait! Here's the real kicker: Pat didn't tell anyone at his work until the Christmas party, which was 10 days before my due date!!! Amazing that we live within blocks of the firm and multiple people who work there and I never saw anyone with my big belly and was able to hide my smaller baby bump earlier in pregnancy.
Three showers were hosted in our honor, 1 by each of our families and 1 by my friends from work. Since we chose not to find out the gender of the baby, we received lots of diapers, wipes, bath essentials, and gender neutral gifts.
Pat and I pose on the steps at my mom's before the festivities begin! |
Three generations: my grandmother, mother, & myself |
Woohoo! Your first blog post!